Monday, December 2, 2019

Filming Blog #2

         After all of our preparation from planning out our storyboard to scheduling the location and time for each scene, we were finally ready to begin our filming journey.  We discussed each group member’s availability so we were able to make sure all of the group members are able to make it to all the scenes at the same time as it crucial since we want all of the members of the group to be in the same scene together. We began our first day filming right after school on the last day before the Thanksgiving break. Me and another group member, Madison decided to go straight to our first setting which is the local park. Our other group member, Blake had to go straight home since he needed to get his flying drone and GoPro so he went straight home with his mom after school. It took less than 10 minutes for me and Madison to arrive at the park. By the time we were there, Blake was already waiting in his mom’s car. Since both of the group members were quite in a hurry with Madison needing to go to the gym and Blake having to finish his homework essay that was due at midnight that day, we have to get right into action. It took about another 10 minutes for Blake to set up his flying drone and GoPro.

            After all the props and actors set in place, we begin filming. In the beginning sets of the scenes, it was just me and Madison while Blake handles flying the drone and capturing the scenes. We first had to do our first scene on the bleachers so me and Madison went on top of a bleacher and pretended like we talking. Blake on the other hand, flew the flying drone above and capture the moment. We took multiple shots of the same scenes just so we can have the perfect scene if we ever do messed up one of the scene. The next scene we took was in the middle of a soccer field. We laid perfectly in the middle of the soccer field with us facing opposite of each other. The next scene was where we filmed us dropping pennies on the ground and grabbing the pennies of the ground to resemble broke kids. Our last scene at the park was in the back of Madison’s car. Me and her sat in the back of her car while the drone was flying above us. It slowly goes higher as the scenes becomes higher and higher.

              Our remaining set of scenes is going to take place at the beach. Since, we were unable to go to the beach after our park shoot, we had to schedule another day so we can all film at the beach. We decided to settle on the day of Thanksgiving. Since I live close to Madison, I had her pick me up around 9 so we can drive to the beach where we would meet up with Blake at 10. We drove there and met Blake at a set area. We decided for begin our first shooting inside a Walgreens where we would take two scenes inside the store. Our first scene was have Madison grab loads of chips onto her arms. We took multiples shots as well just so we can choose the best one. Our next scene was Madison grabbing loads of beach bags and trying on different sunglasses. We then left Walgreens and headed towards the actual beach. On the sand, we shot a scene of me and Madison building a sandcastle. The next scene was to have Blake splash water at Madison and that got both of them extremely wet. We used a GoPro to film all these scenes on the beach. After we were done filming all our scenes, Blake’s dad picked him up right from the beach while Madison drove me home. We were all satisfied with all the scenes we taken and we are looking forward to edit our raw footage next class.

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